BrainMind Summit



BrainMind is a best-in-class community with a shared mission to advance neuroscience innovation that will most benefit humanity. The BrainMind Summit convened the most innovative and prolific scientists, entrepreneurs, operators, investors, leaders, thinkers and philanthropists. Guests were invited to explore a curated collection of cutting-edge discoveries in neuroscience, engage with the scientists behind those ideas, and advise promising early-stage companies - all with the goal of bringing brain science to the world at scale.


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Sample speakers

Polina Anikeeva, MIT

The Brain-Body Interface

Doris Tsao, UC Berkeley

How the Brain Generates Our Consciousness of the World

Leigh Hochberg, Brown University

BrainGate: Implantable BCIs for the Restoration of Communication and Mobility

Thomas Oxley, Synchron

Implantable Neurotechnology: A revolution in Medicine Repeating Itself

Elena Koustova, NIH/NIDA

Innovating on Funding for Innovation

David Chalmers, NYU

Extending Consciousness Beyond the Brain

Paul Sajda, Columbia University

Feeling better with *NSYNC"

Amy Baxter, Pain Care Labs

Mechanical Neuromodulation: Trust The Force

Michael McCullough, BrainMind

BrainMind Today and Beyond

Jim Kwik, Kwik Brain Universe

Brain Optimization, Mental Performance, Power of Mind

Reid Hoffman, Greylock

Fireside Chat

Ed Boyden, MIT

Tools for Repairing and Simulating the Brain

Maryam Shanechi, USC

AI-based Neurotechnology

Heather Berlin, Mount Sinai

What Does It Mean To Be Human in the Age of AI?

Helen Mayberg, Mount Sinai

What is Well?

Nolan Williams, Stanford

Need for Speed: How to Match Acuity of Illness to Speed of Effect for Brain Therapeutics

Karen Rommelfanger, Ningen

Neuroethics Co-Lab, Institute of Neuroethics Think and Do Tank. Designing Ethical Neurofutures

Ana Maiques, Neuroelectrics

Unlocking the Future of Psychiatry: How Can Neurotwins Transform Personalized Neuromodulation Therapies?

Kafui Dzirasa, Duke University

Psychiatric Neuroengineering, Cell Type Specific Neuromodulation

Highlight Gallery

What our clients said

“Working with Shift + Alt Events brought our event operations to the next level, enabling our leadership team to focus more on our top priorities, like building relationships and designing our curriculum. It was a huge relief to achieve a high degree of trust in another organization, knowing that they would meet our highest standards of professionalism and that logistically no balls would be dropped. We are excited to work with Shift + Alt Events on our next two summits!”

Diana Saville - Cofounder and COO, BrainMind