Example Case Studies

Our clients are very private, so the majority of our work cannot be published online. This is just a small sample of our work.

  • Event planner for private invite only festival, people enjoy a cocktail in the evening

    Invite only private festival

    Private invite only festival, where everyone was part of the experience. Everyone who attended contributed something. Perhaps a performance, experience, or a delicious bite.

  • One of the most dangerous hikes in Hawaii at Exeat

    Multiple private retreats all over the world

    16 x 2 week long retreats across Hawaii, Utah, New Mexico and Palm springs. Ritual, ceremony and a level of intensity of communal living left attendees transformed.

  • Festival organizers enjoying a welcome break

    Exclusive wellness experience

    50 highly curated individuals spent a magical weekend in Nevada City Forest. Focussed on personal growth through taking people to their edge, people emerged transformed.

  • Bespoke Event Planners London

    Private workshop in an English castle

    35 experts from all over the world gathered in Oxford, UK to discuss the future of whole brain emulation. Guests were hosted for 3 delightful days of conversation and great food.