Payments If you are a 1099 vendor that is looking to be paid by Shift + Alt Events LLC you must complete and have approved the below form before receiving your first payment. You only need to fill out this form once per tax year. Get paid Get paid Entity type * Select the type of company you are Individual/sole proprietor or single-member LLC C Corporation S Corporation Partnership Trust/estate Limited liability company Other Tax identification number, (TIN) type * Pick social security number, (SSN) or employer identification number, (EIN) EIN SSN TIN * Your actual Tax Identification Number, (SSN or EIN) Business Name or Last Name * If you don't have a business please put your last name First name * Last name * Address line 1 * Address line 2 City * State * ZIP or foreign postal code * Country * Phone number * Country (###) ### #### Email * Event Planner * Which Shift + Alt Events Event Planner are you working with? First Name Last Name Event name * Which event is this payment relating to? Payment details * Please provide all payment information for all platforms we can pay you on: 1) Zelle - free 2) ACH transfer - $2.50 3) Your suggestion Thank you! Your payment request has been received.Your request will be reviewed within 48 working hours, (to check the information required has all been completed correctly).If we’ve got everything we need then please allow 2 weeks for the payment to process.If we need additional information we will let you know!If you have any questions please click the contact button on the top right of this screen.