Festivals Case Studies

Our clients are very private, so the majority of our work cannot be published online. This is just a small sample of our work.

  • Event planner for private invite only festival, people enjoy a cocktail in the evening

    Invite only private festival

    Private invite only festival, where everyone was part of the experience. Everyone who attended contributed something. Perhaps a performance, experience, or a delicious bite.

  • Festival organizers enjoying a welcome break

    Exclusive wellness experience

    50 highly curated individuals spent a magical weekend in Nevada City Forest. Focussed on personal growth through taking people to their edge, people emerged transformed.

  • burning man event planners

    Events at Burning Man festival

    We threw a giant lube wrestling competition at The Burn at the camp ‘Hotel California’. Over 300 people came, we had a huge purpose built arena, an MC and prizes.