Deep In The Woods

Festival Production

Location: Deep in the Nevada City Forest
Event type: Multi-day festival
Event size: 50 People

For “Deep In The Woods” we carefully and thoughtfully created a genre-defying festival experience that allowed participants to connect with others and learn about themselves. Each guest was invited not only as a participant but as a collaborator, offering their own skills as a contribution to this extraordinary event. The schedule contained more than 40 unique curated micro-experiences allowing for self-expression, self-discovery and deep human connection.

A Genre-Defying Festival Experience

The entire focus for this weekend was to give the other 49 people coming the best weekend of their lives. The ethos was “the more you commit to this in every way possible, the more extraordinary this weekend is going to be”. It also should be made clear that this was not a wellness retreat; we carefully created an environment where folks could comfortably and safely explore the limits of their mental and physical potential.

Activities included:

Axe throwing, Shakti Crunk Blindfolded Yoga, Secret scavenger hunt and Tea Party, Russian swearing masterclass, Spirit Animal Silent Disco, Orgasmic Breath Workshop, CBD Sound Bath, Wine Tasting Seminar, Art of Ritual Workshop with plant based medicine, Beatboxing class and performance.

Highlight Gallery

  • "You weren't allowed to take photos at most of the parts of this event, so it's hard to show what it was like. I think it was a lot of first times for a lot of people. An absolutely magical weekend."

    Amy Shepheard

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