Panel Discussions Case Studies

Our clients are very private, so the majority of our work cannot be published online. This is just a small sample of our work.

  • conference planners san francisco

    New York Neuroscience Conference

    Guests were invited to explore a curated collection of cutting-edge discoveries in neuroscience, engage with the scientists behind those ideas, and advise promising early-stage companies.

  • best event planning companies sf

    BrainMind Summit

    The BrainMind Summit convened the most innovative and prolific scientists, entrepreneurs, operators, investors, leaders, thinkers and philanthropists in the sphere of neuroscience globally.

  • Event planning company london

    Longevity Workshop for Foresight

    Leading researchers, entrepreneurs and funders in the longevity field, were invited to a workshop drive progress and cooperation toward shared long-term goals.

  • Event producers central london

    Space Workshop

    This event took place in Fifty Years’ sensational offices. Global experts in the field of space gathered for rapid keynotes followed by working groups to curate opportunities for talent and funders.

  • Luxury event organizers London

    Academic conference at UC Berkeley

    250 person, 3 day conference in brand a new academic field - Plurality Research Networks. Leading experts flew in from all over the world to attend.

  • London Events

    Existential Hope Day for Foresight

    100 attendees gathered at the top of the Salesforce Tower to discuss planning for a better future for humanity with regard to some scientific and technological advancements.

  • Bespoke Event Planners London

    Private workshop in an English castle

    35 experts from all over the world gathered in Oxford, UK to discuss the future of whole brain emulation. Guests were hosted for 3 delightful days of conversation and great food.

  • corporate retreat planners sf

    Open source reception

    Evening reception at the Cloudflare offices in London for a venture capital firm, (Next47). Thought leaders in the Open Source space, delicious food, thought provoking talks.

  • unconference planners sf

    Invite only private Unconference

    Invite only unconference for a private client in Woodside, CA. 250 people gathered for discussions on the future, sensational food, hosted experiences and singular performances.

  • event organizers central london

    Generative AI evening

    Held in Next47's stunning offices, this event was designed to bring together thought leaders in Generative AI. From talks, to sensational food to themed cocktails, it was a highly singular event.

  • Private event management companies London, UK

    Private Unconference

    Private Unconference themed on the future during the day, followed by music and camping at night all topped off with sensational food and performances.

  • Intelligent Cooperation Summit

    Global experts in the field of cryptography, security and AI gathered for rapid keynotes followed by working groups in the much revered Internet Archive.

  • Event organizer san francisco

    AIX Ventures Founder Summit

    A gathering of AI & robotics visionaries in the form of a robust community experience with enriching interactions and pragmatic takeaways on all aspects of company building.

  • award winning corporate event planners london

    Go-to-Market Panel

    Day of GTM focussed content followed by a rooftop evening reception. Early stage founders, with participation from sales leaders, decision-makers, and seed stage investors.

  • event organisers london

    Molecular Machines Panel

    This two-day event invited leading researchers, entrepreneurs, and funders to put the pieces together and drive progress towards the original vision of nanotechnology.

  • evening planning san francisco

    VC networking reception

    GBx & firstminute capital Reception with Michael Acton Smith, Nicole Quinn and Spencer Crawley. Guests were invited to listen to a fireside chat over drinks.

  • event planner san francisco

    AI centered panel discussion

    Held in Incident.IO’s stunning office in London, this event was designed around positioning the client as a thought leader on how generative AI could impact their business.

  • event organiser london

    AI Panel Discussion

    The AIX Ventures Founder Summit is a gathering of AI & robotics visionary startup founders, budding entrepreneurs, and industry leaders.

  • corporate event planner london

    Existential Hope Panel

    The AIX Ventures Founder Summit is a gathering of AI & robotics visionary startup founders, budding entrepreneurs, and industry leaders.

  • best event planners for global events

    Plurality Network Symposium

    A day-long Symposium on Comment Section Research and Design brought together a carefully selected group of 40 academics and industry researchers.

  • corporate event planners san francisco

    Intelligent Cooperation Panel

    Global experts in the field of cryptography, security and AI gathered for rapid keynotes followed by working groups to curate opportunities for talent and funders.

  • workshop event planners san francisco

    Whole Brain Emulation Panel

    Held at stunning Lighthaven in Berkeley, experts from across the globe came together to discuss whole brain emulation and the complexity of questions we as humans are facing right now.